Friday 29 December 2017

All You Need to Know About Sunglass Rack

Sunglass Rack Program
Sunglasses are one of the important things that give us protection from the harmful UV rays. Today, everybody has a collection of different and stylish sunglasses. To place them properly a sunglass rack is required. Racks are not only required in stores for selling or displaying purposes but sunglass rack for home is also very popular these days. At stores, racks are meant only to attract shoppers or you can say it is a part of marketing. In this blog, we will discuss the importance of sunglass rack for a retailer.

Sunglass racks are used to show and exhibit different types of sunglasses. These racks can be manufactured by using a number of different materials. It depends on the owners of the store to choose the kind of rack which suits their demands. It is available in different sizes in which you can place a number of sunglasses. Almost all these racks are made to hold any type of sunglass. To display costly, posh and high valued glasses, a specific type of racks is needed. Due to increase in the trend of different types of trendy sunglasses, different types of display racks are coming up and gaining popularity. These days attractive racks are made with more effective designs of these furniture pieces.     

Due to increasing demands of store owners, manufacturers are bringing new designs with new features. For example-  Now some of the racks are just like a glass box that has a unique feature. This feature enables you to push a little bit of the glass and you can pick the sunglasses of your choice. Moreover, you can lock that particular case in which the expensive sunglasses are placed. Therefore, it reduces the chance of theft crimes. Sunglasses fixture racks also provide decorative value and can enhance the overall scheme and visual appearance of the store.

Elite Cellular Accessories Inc

When you want to display a number of sunglasses, then large rotating sunglass racks are a wonderful option that you can use. These racks are attractive and they allow you to display 100 pairs of sunglasses at a time. The glasses are usually held upward, which makes it easier for the customers to pick their desired pair. 

If you want a rotating sunglass rack for home then contact- Elite Cellular Accessories Inc. It is a leading company offering different types of cost-effective and reliable sunglasses racks. For more information visit-

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Unknown terms that you must know before purchasing a power bank charger

Today, everyone owns a smartphone and the most irritating experience that we all go through is a battery drain. It generally happens at the most inconvenient time when you actually need your phone urgently, such as- the time when you are lost somewhere and you need to use GPS app to locate the position, answer an important call, send an email or if you want to click an ultimate scenic shot. 

Power Bank Charger

Unlike smartphones, laptops, wireless headphones, tablets, portable speakers and other electronic gadgets require battery backup after long usage. If they are used for an extended time period, the battery life can be decreased or can result in battery drain. These gadgets are effective only if they have energy or battery. Power bank charger is an electronic device that you can use to recharge your electronic gadget. Generally, these are required to charge smartphones that keep your cell phones glowing.  

Some unknown terms that you must know before purchasing a power bank-

mAh Rating- mAh is a unit of electric charge. It is the most common method used to represent the capacity of small batteries. Batteries having bigger capacities are specified in ampere-hours such as- 2 Ah which is equal to 2000 mAh. You can determine the capacity of a battery by multiplying the discharge current by the duration of time that the battery can supply.

 Power banks are mostly approved on the basis of the battery they bear inside. They are rated in ampere-hours and measured in milliamps. The mAh ratings show the power flow rating for a particular time.

Elite Power Bank Charger
Li-Ion and Li-Polymer- In power banks the batteries are mainly made up of Lithium-Ion and Lithium-Polymer. Batteries with the Li-Ions have limited battery capacity and often are cheaper than other batteries. The batteries which are made up of Li-Polymers have long-lasting battery backup and generally are more expensive.    

Efficiency- Do you know that the full power can't be transferred from the power bank to the other electronic device. It's not possible because there are so many resistant losses that occur while recharging an electronic gadget. 

The efficiency of the power bank depends on several bases such as- the number of spells that are required to charge a device, type of the battery, size, and environment in which it is placed. Normal industrial standards of efficiency are between 80-90 percent.

The main reason for designing such power banks are that people need power back-up when the electricity is not available. With more and more people owning and depending on their gadgets for their work, business, leisure, and connectivity, it is no wonder why these power banks have become very necessary. If you want to buy a power bank charger or any other type of electronic gadget, consult elite charger.

Tuesday 26 September 2017

Things To Consider While Buying a USB Car Charger

Before heading to a workplace or a road trip, it's important to have a USB car charger. There is always a need for a device that keeps our electronic devices in a working condition. Below are some of the reasons why and what you should look while purchasing one. Let's have a look at some lesser-known facts.

What is a USB Car Charger?

A USB charger is a device that re-energizes your electronic device's battery. It is a tiny gadget that plugs into a car's accessory port/cigarette lighter and provides one or more powered USB outlets. A USB car charger can be used to charge tablets, camera battery, and smartphones.

In the market, there are the wide variety of USB chargers available with different features. So, choose according to your needs and requirements. Before buying a USB charger, consider the following points. These are-

High Amp Output-

While choosing a charger it is necessary to pick the one that provides high amp output. A good charger would offer you with a minimum of 1.0 Amps or 1000 mA per USB port. This amount of output is enough to charge a tablet or iPad. 

If you want a dual USB car charger adapter with the high-performance level then choose the one that has 3.1 Amps. In this, one port of the USB provides 2.1 Amps and the other port provide 1.0 Amps which is enough to charge a simple Android smartphone.

Multiple USB ports-

You must have seen various chargers having more than one USB port. If you are moving in a car along with some other people then a USB car charger with multiple USB ports will be a great choice. As it provides a chance to everyone in the car to charge their batteries of smartphones or tablets.

Detachable Cable-

Many times it is noticed that a cable attached to the charging adapter get fail. Therefore, you have to buy a new charger. This happens with the chargers having permanent cables. The solution to this problem is to buy a charger having the detachable cable option. 

An excellent car charger does not have a permanently attached cable for flexibility and accessibility purposes. Therefore, always buy a car charger with a detachable cable since you can easily replace the cable if there is any problem in the cable.

Hope the above points will surely help you to purchase a suitable one. Therefore, consider the mentioned tips while choosing a dual USB car charger adapter.

Friday 14 July 2017

Make Your Life Easy With A Bluetooth Tracker

If you lose something vital and you invest a considerable measure of energy backtracking to find it once more. Keys are as yet a precious piece of many people's lives. We depend on keys to access different spots, including our vehicle, the house, the shed in the terrace, and perhaps the letter drop.

We as a whole do our best to monitor them all, yet there's dependable that unavoidable minute when you basically can't discover them, despite the fact that you're certain you set them back in their appropriate location.They, as a rule, turn up in the end, yet it's no fun hunting down them. Luckily, with ArmorAll automotive electronics and accessories which includes Bluetooth tracking devices on their list you can make the chase a ton less demanding, less unpleasant, and even abstain from losing the thing in any case.

What Are Bluetooth Trackers?

Bluetooth trackers are little contraptions that you join to vital things you're stressed over losing, for example, keys, a wallet, a bag and so on. You would then be able to utilize an application to track those things on a map on your the screen of your cell phone; most additionally let you play a discernible tone on the tracker as long as it's within the Bluetooth range.

How Do They Work?

The ascent of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) truly opened up the way to what should be possible with Bluetooth gadgets. Presently rather than simply the old staples manufacturers can pack Bluetooth into minor gadgets that can make remain off a little battery for upwards of a year without a battery swap or energize.

One of those applications is modest Bluetooth trackers wherein you can join little labels to your keys, satchel, or embed them into adapt compartments, instrument cases, or different items you wish to monitor. The labels are connected to your cell phone by means of BLE and shape a radio-based connection amongst you and your stuff.

On account of the BLE framework, the Bluetooth tracker can remain in close consistent correspondence with your cell phone. Since the tracking beacons remain in steady correspondence with your telephone at that point it's simple for your telephone to sound the alarm when you end up plainly isolated from the tracker and the object it's joined to.

Bluetooth trackers are still in their early stages yet the potential for such basic and low-control gadgets is incredible. In case you're searching for a foolproof and low-whine arrangement conduct a thorough research before selecting the one for yourself.

Wednesday 5 July 2017

Cell Phone Accessories: How Can They Help You In Your Daily Lives?

Most individuals are inquired as to whether they'd like an accessory for their phone when they get a new cell phone. The variety of embellishments is great, notwithstanding scary. There are mobile phone adornments that assistance you convey your phone more securely, similar to a holster or belt cut; those that assist you to make calls without breaking a sweat, similar to a hands-free headset, and fun embellishments like cell phone cases and enhancements.

Some mobile phone embellishments have turned out to be so basic as to practically be required to utilize a cell phone. It's significantly simpler to utilize a mobile phone when you have a headset accessible, and a conveying case keeps your phone from getting lost, or from coincidentally making calls. Here are a couple of fundamental sorts of Elite cell phone accessories available in the market that may enable you to get the most out of your versatile.

  • Car Chargers: A wireless charger for you auto will shield you from talking on a cell phone that may go dead at any minute. This is especially helpful for long outings, where you won't have the chance to charge your telephone at a wall attachment.

  • Belt Clips and Carrying Cases: Another extraordinary wireless embellishment is a belt clip or a conveying case. You would prefer not to drop your mobile phone, harming it destroyed. Mobile phones can be costly to supplant. Accordingly, it's a keen move to secure your mobile phone in a durable case, or possibly clip it to your belt.
  • Hands-Free Headsets: A developing number of states are instituting laws against talking on the mobile phone while driving, at least in case you're not utilizing a headset. This implies a hands free headset is one cell phone adornment that can help you in a hurry. You can likewise utilize a headset in case if you need to work in the meantime you're on the telephone, or simply need to have a long talk without keeping track of your mobile phone.
  • Bluetooth Headsets: These are the front line of mobile phone accessories. They're a magnificent contrasting option to a standard headset if you don't care to manage wires. These headsets won't get tangled up while you're putting away them, and have every one of the upsides of a consistent headset.

The aforesaid are some of the commonly used cell phone accessories for the individuals who usually use the cell phone frequently for different purposes. Markets are flooded with different cheap cell phone accessories also, so don’t hurry while selecting the right one for you that will long last.